Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Scholarships are better than private loans.

There's been a lot of buzz lately about the decrease in private loans available to college students this fall. I understand: it's stressful. If you need information about what to do if you're in a crunch (your private loan amount is decreasing) please read this article. It gives tips on what you can do to make up the difference this semester.

I want to put my two cents in on this issue, however. I feel like private loans should always be the last option: after you pursue scholarships. It's a no-brainer that scholarships are better than loans (scholarships don't have to be paid back), but not a lot of people pursue them as diligently as they could--costing themselves money and stress in the long run. 

If you want to jump-start your scholarship search process, check out my previous posts on the subject here.  

Also, I want to hear your opinion on this subject: are you having trouble finding scholarships? What are your biggest scholarship search hurdles? Let me know, and I will help you navigate the process through this blog. 

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