Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Scholarship Essay. (Yikes)

One of the most nerve-racking portions of a typical scholarship application is the personal essay portion. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time writing about myself! Not only do I procrastinate in an effort to avoid this task, but I often bombard myself with a lot of negative self-talk (I am too boring, I don't have anything interesting to say, yada yada yada). The fact is, we all have something unique to share in an essay, we just need to uncover what it is and articulate it in a way that connects with scholarship committees.

First step: uncover your hidden talents
Like I said, the hardest part is getting over the procrastination and writing the first sentence. To make writing easier, take the pressure off: brainstorm instead. Write down all the activities you have participated in your life (even when you were a little kid playing in the sandbox). Write down what you like best about these activities, what gave you joy, any lessons you might have learned, or experiences you found scary or exhilarating. 

Second step: write down your favorite things
Do you have a favorite book? Author? Favorite TV show? Website? Do you like to write in your blog? Who inspires you and why? What is the best family vacation you have ever been on, where did you go? If you were trapped on a desert island, what would you bring with you?Write down anything and everything you enjoy. Your official "best of" list.

Third step: where are you going?
Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten? What is your dream for your life? (Don't be shy, if it's making a lot of money and being a ski bum in Colorado, write it down.) Write down your biggest fear--what would you regret not doing in this life?

OK, those are three steps or groups of activities to get your brain turning. Just turn on some music and start filling up a blank sheet of paper--no pressure here, the idea is to just get your mind working. Don't filter your thoughts (this is key). No one has to see this paper but you. 

In my experience, brainstorming has been the most helpful way to write an impressive essay. Once you get your ideas on paper, the hard part is over. Happy writing!

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