Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Giving Speeches: Remain Calm

It is old news that public speaking is ranked as the #1 fear in most people's minds. (Death, by the way, is now ranked fourth right behind falling and drowning, which I guess are ultimate pathways to death, but I digress.) The cold, hard truth is that some scholarships are going to require that you either give a speech or audition to win the award. I cannot stress enough that this should not deter you--you must still apply!

The key is to remain calm. It is not as bad as you think it is. Giving a speech is an opportunity to connect and make an impression with scholarship committees. (Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to picture your audience in their underwear.) However, here are some quick tips that help me when I am about to give a speech:

1. Be prepared (this means you must practice your speech in front of your mirror). Nothing works on your nerves like being under-practiced: your mind starts telling you you're going to forget things, you start stuttering, and you just look plain uncomfortable. So, practice, practice, practice. Trust me, the nerves will subside the more comfortable you get with your material.

2. Breathe deep. Before you begin speaking, or walk up to the podium, take a deep breath and relax. You will be amazed at how much this helps.

3. Look 'em in the eye. Many times, people will put their head down and start reading their notes. However tempting, resist. You will make the ultimate impression by making eye contact with every evaluator. Don't worry if they aren't smiling or laughing, stare 'em down and show your confidence--you will stand out, I promise.

4. Pick a subject you like. When you talk about something you like or are good at, your natural excitement about the subject stands out and resonates with other people. It lifts your mood and your confidence automatically.

Like I said, it is inevitable that you will come across an award that asks you give a presentation or audition. So many people shy away from these opportunities--do not be one of them. Your willingness to apply despite your fear will pay off in big ways--including more money for college.

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